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Facebook Forensics Via Free Facebook Password Recovery

Facebook activities top the list amongst the other social networking buzz. Figures show that about 800 billion people are currently


October 10, 2017

Raj Kumar

Updates | 4 Minutes Reading

Windows Live Mail Forensics

Microsoft Windows Live mail is a widely used desktop-based emailing platform that is compatible with Windows 7, Windows Server 2008


October 10, 2017

Ashwani Tiwari

Email Forensics | 3 Minutes Reading

ZDB File Viewer to View & Analyze the ZDB File

Zimbra was initially developed by Zimbra, Inc. and currently, it is owned by Telligent System since July 2013. Zimbra Desktop


October 10, 2017

Ashwani Tiwari

Freebies | 2 Minutes Reading

Forensics File Copier

Some of the most frequent challenges that the Forensicators face during investigations include, copying available data from the acquired digital


October 9, 2017

Ashwani Tiwari

Freebies | 4 Minutes Reading

SQLite Database File Viewer For Android Phone Forensics

SQLite is an extensively used SQL engine in major applications developed by Mozilla, Apple, Google, Adobe, Microsoft etc utilize the


October 9, 2017

Ashwani Tiwari